Rhinoplasty / Nose Job:

Any surgery that is performed on the nose is called as Nose Job and in medical terms Rhinoplasty. This procedure can range from very minor skin changes correction to major reshaping of the nose. Commonly the term Nose Job has been reserved for the Cosmetic nose reshaping surgery.
Common Nose Defoformities
According to a world wide survey only 7% of the population has exactly symmetrical face i.e most people do not have identical both halves of the face. The survey also showed that the mentioned 7%, who have 100% symmetrical faces are not always considered the most attractive looking. This means that the beauty is not in absolute symmetry or in millimeters but actual beauty is in the harmony in which different asymmeteries exist.
This holds true for nose too. Most people have their noses deviated on one side or another, have bulging nose, too big nose or too small nose, fat nose or too slim nose, wide nostrils or asymmetrical nostrils.
Who needs Nose Job ( Rhinoplasty )??
All these deformities do not mean that a NOSE JOB is in order. A nose job or rhinoplasty is only needed when the nose is not sitting harmoniously with the rest of the face. So a good Plastic Surgeon will not run after individual deformities of the nose but will help making the whole profile of the face better and more attractive by bringing about subtle changes in different components of the nose.
So the candidates who need a nose job are ones who have a nose which is too large for their face or too small on their face which is noticed as first thing when one looks at them. Then there are those people who have an obvious deviation of the nose due to deviation of septum by birth or after a trauma. These people usually have breathing and sleep issues also. There are people ho have a normal size of nose but the tip is too rounded to make it look attractive. They are good candidates of rhinoplasty too. There are people who have a nose that is too flat due to total lack of support most commonly from an old trauma. They are also called Snub nosed or “pheena”. All these, plus people who have changes in nose due to some disease process or cancer, need rhinoplasty surgery.
There is another group who are just not comfortable with the size or shape of their noses. This affects their social lives and confidence levels. These are also candidates for nose job surgery but only after proper assessment and Counselling.
Assessment of Nose and Planning
The most important step in any Cosmetic Procedure is the proper assessment of the patient. So importance of proper assessment cannot be over stressed in cases of nose job patients. The assessment starts from the overall evaluation of facial structure, skin quality and general features of nose and related face.
Specific assessment consists of the shape of nose, over all size of the nose, relation to midline of the face, relationship to the eyes and mouth, size and shape of nostrils, flaring or flattening of nasal base, widened or narrow bony structure, bulbous or sharp tip, any nose blockage and finally any scars on the nose. It is true for all health professionals but a Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon should have an especially advanced sense of observation and no fine detail should miss his assessment. This helps the surgeon to plan each step of surgery with fine details.
Nose Job / Rhinoplasty Surgery
Rhinoplasty Surgery technical details depend on what sequence is the surgeon comfortable with but broadly there are two approaches to this surgery.
1) Open Rhinoplasty
2) Closed Rhinoplasty
Both have their own indications and contraindications as well as advantages and disadvantages but important is that a surgeon should perfect the skill in the approach he is comfortable in.
A rhinoplasty surgery addresses the dorsal humps of nose, septum with its deviation, bony deviation or shape, tip size and shape, nostril size and shape, base of the nose, and any skin changes that might be needed. A good Cosmetic Surgeon should plan each step and implement in the immaculate order.
Best Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgeon in Lahore
Rhinoplasty or Nose Job is a procedure in which the shape and size of the nose is changed or corrected if there is a pre-existing deformity. The nose is the most central feature of a face and a very slight deformity of size, shape and alignment can give a person serious complex about his/her appearance.
A rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon is a surgeon who has a command to change features of a nose in such a way that the nose looks beautiful and attractive and at the same time looks coherent with the rest of the face and does not look awkward.
Rhinoplasty/Nose Job Surgeon can be a Plastic Surgeon or an ENT Surgeon. There are many Rhinoplasty/Nose Job surgeons that can be considered as the best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeons of Lahore and also the best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeons of Pakistan. A good and best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon is the one who has a very astute observation of the slightest variations on shapes and crevices of the nose and the rest of the face. The best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon should have complete command of the anatomy(structure) of the face and nose.
It takes years for the best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon to learn and execute the finest and specific steps in rhinoplasty/nose job. A good and best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon devises a customized and special plan for every patient undergoing rhinoplasty/nose job. The best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon always keeps in mind that the function of the nose is as important as its appearance, so the best rhinoplasty/nose job surgeon discusses in detail, with the patient about any nasal blockage or breathing difficulties.
There are three kinds of rhinoplasty/nose job procedure
1. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty/Nose Job
2. Closed Rhinoplasty/Nose Job
3. Open Rhinoplasty/Nose Job
The best Rhinoplasty/Nose Job surgeon should be well verse in all these techniques so that he can decide which type of Rhinoplasty/Nose Job is the best ideal for a specific client.
Rhinoplasty Surgery / Nose Job in Lahore
Nose Job Surgery is performed mostly by ENT surgeons and also by Plastic Surgeons. Both have their certain set of skills which help them perform these procedures. In Lahore a lot of surgeons are performing rhinoplasties with results to show for their good or bad skills. Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Raza is providing Nose Job services for years now and his results speak volume for his astute knowledge and skill about this procedure. People travel from around the globe to get this procedure performed by him. He has mastered the art of Nose Job Surgery in Chinese, Caucasian and subcontinental population. His attention to detail is exceptional. A larger number of satisfied patients are a certification for his success. His continuous aspiration to better himself and stay up to date with the lastest in the field gets him to travel around the world to learn and teach the art of Rhinoplasty surgery. Be it Italy or USA, Korea or Brazil he has participated in conferences and courses to enhance in knowledge. Dr Sheraz is currently operating at Jinnah and Omar Hospital. If you want to make appointment with Dr Sheraz, please visit this Contact Us