Best Breast Surgeon in Lahore

Breast Surgeon Lahore

There are large number of  general, plastic and oncologic surgeons practicing as  breast surgeons in Lahore. All of them are doing a good job. The best breast surgeon is the one who knows the anatomy and physiology of breast in detail. The best breast surgeon should have a wide armamentarium to choose the best procedure for each patient. The best breast surgeon should know what procedure to do and when to it. The most important aspect in breast surgery is that probably one breast surgeon cannot do all procedures in the breast especially in cases of b breast cancer surgery. So the best breast surgeon is the one who knows which cases he should perform and which he should refer to others.

In our practice we take pride in being one of best reconstructive was cosmetic breast surgeon in Lahore. We make sure to cater all physical and psychological aspects of breast surgery. The best Breast surgeon is the one maintains patient confidentiality and and makes the patient feel at home at all step, especially in a society like ours. Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Raza takes all these aspects very seriously and takes pride in being one of the Best Breast Surgeon in Lahore

Breast Surgery:

Breast is an as important part of a female body as the face or hands in that respect. Breast defines a female who she is and it defines a woman from a girl. Like every thing else in the body the size and shape of the female breast is defined by genetics and the effect of hormones. But a good Breast Surgeon can contribute to a great deal in making the breasts attractive and desirable for women of all ages. Breast Surgery like all other super-specialities is a dedicated field. Breast Surgeons who do more and more of Breast Surgery and stay in touch with all the advancements and latest trends of breast surgery usually master the field and are more liable to get best breast surgery results.

Reconstructive Breast Surgery:

As a wise plastic surgeon once said there is no Breast surgery that is absolutely reconstructive breast surgery and there is no Cosmetic breast surgery that is totally Cosmetic Breast surgery, there is always an overlap between two. In simple words it means that a breast surgeon even when undertaking a salvage procedure after the extensive breast cancer  or some other  infective process involving the the breast should not forget the aesthetic basis of the breast. A woman will not feel complete if she does not have a breast and will have serious psychological problems. A breast surgeon should always keep that in mind. Similarly the more full and beautiful and shapely breasts that a woman or girl will have she will feel more re-assured and self confident.

Unfortunately Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancer in females, it can occur in all ages and women of all races are being affected and haunted by it. In addition to the effects and sequelae of the breast cancer itself and the prolonged and painful treatment, there are also extreme psychological impacts after the mastectomy leaves a woman without a breast. Its a basic right of every woman to have a normal looking and feeling breast. This is the reason a good breast surgeon is always a good resection surgeon of breast cancer as well as  a good reconstructive breast surgeon. Ideally there should be a team. A resection breast surgeon should liaise with a reconstructive breast surgeon. The whole world has moved towards early diagnosis, early treatment and immediate reconstruction of breast after mastectomy. So a good breast surgeon should be very well worse in all kinds of small or large reconstructions of breast that may include different flaps with or without breast implants. We in our practice of breast surgery take pride in the best and most natural looking breast reconstructions after any kind of breast cancer surgery.

Cosmetic Breast Surgery:

As already mentioned no breast surgery is totally cosmetic or reconstructive. Girls and women of all ages are very conscious of their breasts. Some girls have naturally very small breasts while others have very large breasts at very early age or later in life. Both conditions are a cause of severe mental stress for them. In addition to social issues there can also be intimacy issues and also very large breasts can have serious physical toll leading to pain and muscle fatigue and pain. All these conditions need to be cared well by the breast surgeon in the aesthetically most acceptable way.

Breast Implants:

Breast Implants are the best friend of a breast surgeon. They add to his armamentarium. More and more girls up late have gotten aware and become anxious for small size of their breasts. Even in older ladies this problem is recognised more and more and is coupled sometimes with the sagging breasts after multiple pregnancies. Breast surgeon  should have the best technique to use breast implants judiciously and with least possible scarring and complications. In our belief the breast surgeon should have more than one techniques to put breast implants to suite each patient, as no two patients will have the same requirements. Also the breast surgeon  should decide that future breast feeding should not be jeopardised especially in younger age group patients and potential complications must be well controlled by a good breast surgeon. The best breast surgeon places the incisions and scars in a way that they are not visible.

Mastopexy ( Breast Uplift Surgery)

With growing age and after multiple pregnancies the female breasts tend to sag down and become ptotic. This can be real issue psychologically for women. They start feeling incomplete and lose self confidence. A good Breast surgeon must understand all these aspects. Such breasts can be treated with lifting up of breasts by a number of techniques. Breast surgeon places the breast Back high up on the chest and in doing so the breast surgeon gives appropriately rounded shape to the breast too. A good Breast surgeon should be able to give long lasting results at the same time the scars should be hidden and limited enough. Sometimes the sagging is also due to loss of volume of breast. In such cases the breast surgeon should have a detailed knowledge of anatomy and should know how and where to add volume in the form of fat or breast implant.

Breast Reduction ( Reduction Mammoplasty )

In some cases the breasts become too large. In younger age group people this can be due to genetics or hormonal imbalance or may be for  no reason at all. Similarly in advancing age the breasts keep enlarging with successive pregnancies and finally sag. In either of these situations the patient is subject to social embarrassment as well as serious physical disability in the form of neck and back pain other breast related infective complications. It is the job of the breast surgeon to find the cause of this enlargement, correct it and once corrected, a good breast surgeon decides what’s the best time and technique to reduce the breast size. The most important step in mastopexy as well as in breast reduction is that the nipple areola complex should be lifted appropriately and the breast surgeon should be able to maintain symmetry on both sides and maintain sensation and shape of the nipple and areola.

It can be really rewarding procedure both for patient and the surgeon as the results in the hand of a trained and good Breast Surgeon are really satisfying.

Nipple areola shape correction

In all the above cases and also in cases with inherent nipple areola deformity, the breast surgeon can correct and alter the shape and size of nipple and areola helping in making them more defined and beautiful