Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Lahore

Tummy Tuck Lahore Pakistan

In Lahore a lot of people are doing tummy tuck. They include Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and even general surgeons. The best best tummy tuck surgeon is the one who can plan the process of tummy tuck well. The best tummy tuck surgeon is the one who has experience and skills to sculpt the body rather than just flattening the body contours. The best tummy tuck surgeon is the one who is familiar with different tools and modalities of liposuction and tummy tuck and knows where to use which modality.

Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Raza is one of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Lahore. He has traveled all over the world to learn the art and science of tummy tuck surgery. He has constantly evolved with his technique and keeps adding to his reputation as one of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Lahore. He has the knowledge to customize the tummy tuck for each patient and adds ancillary procedures,  like fat grafting, liposuction, breast and thigh lifts, depending upon the needs of each patient . The proof of his status as one of the best tummy tuck  surgeons in Lahore is the large number of satisfied patients travelling from all over the world to get tummy tuck done by Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Raza.

Body Sculpting

The term body sculpting is quite broadly used. It encompasses the liposuction, tummy tuck, thigh lifts and all the ancillary procedures associated with giving body a shape. In essence it means adding or removing tissue to give shape to the body. But in our local population it mostly means taking tissue out, mostly skin and fat to give shape to the body. So the most commonly performed procedures are liposuction, tummy tuck, thigh lifts and buttock augmentation.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck is the procedure that is done to remove extra skin from the trunk of the body. In women after pregnancies and in both men and women after massive weight loss the skin in the lower part of abdomen becomes loose and wrinkly. This extra skin is not only a source of discomfort as it hangs like an apron but also a major cosmetic concern as the it looks extremely bad outside clothes and also feels and looks like a bulge inside clothes. The patients feel difficulty in dressing up the way they want and it is a great source of embarrassment.

Tummy tuck helps in solving this problem. In tummy tuck the extra skin and fat are removed in the lower part of the body. The incision and so the resultant scar in tummy tuck is kept as low as possible, so that it is hidden even in low clothes.

With recent increase in bariatric surgery procedures, after massive weight loss the skin becomes loose and droops. Tummy tuck solves this problem and takes out extra skin.

Tummy tuck not only removes the extra skin and fat it also includes the tightening of abdominal wall musculature. So the tummy tuck helps in achieving aesthetically attractive shape of the body with a backward curve. Tummy tuck can be combined with other procedures as liposuction and breasts lift if needed.

Types of Tummy Tuck

Types of Tummy tuck depend upon the type of length of the incision and thus the final scar used for it.

Mini Tummy Tuck is when a small central incision is used to remove excessive skin and muscles are placated through this incision. This type of tummy tuck is useful in cases with little extra skin but more muscle loosening as in slim mothers after pregnancies.

Full Tummy tuck is when a complete incision is given from flank to flank and extra skin from flanks is also removed. This type of tummy tuck is useful in more gross skin and fat excess. This tummy tuck helps narrowing the waist and also in lifting the thighs in combination with tummy tuck.

Qualities of a Good Tummy Tuck surgeon

A good Tummy Tuck surgeon should have a very fine eye for aesthetics. A good tummy tuck surgeon should be able to communicate properly with the patient to detail his or her needs. Taking out the fat and skin in tummy tuck is the simplest part. It is the planning and execution of planning and deciding how much skin should be removed and where it will have what kind of results is the most important quality of a good tummy tuck surgeon. These qualities  separate a good tummy tuck surgeon from other tummy tuck surgeons.

A good tummy tuck surgeon can carve a shape in a body and make it more attractive and beautiful.