Cheek Implants:

Cheeks provide the most prominent feature to shape a face. They are supposed to be most prominent just below the eyes, the region called Malar Region. Below the malar region there is some flattening in aesthetically pleasant and youthful face. Even more important to the bulge at malar prominence is the smooth transition from a convexity to a concavity.
With aging, in this individuals and also after massive weight loss, the malar prominences become flatter, giving an aged and exhausted look to the face. The fullness of malar region can be re-achieved by fillers and fat grafting. sometimes there is also bony atrophy or naturally flatter cheek bones. In such cases customised silicon cheek implants can make a world of difference to over all outlook and shape of the face. Face can be made more balanced, youthful and aesthetically pleasant by appropriately sized, shaped and placed cheek implants.