Botox and Fillers in Lahore
Botox and Fillers are done by a lot of practicing individuals who are at times not even doctors. Beauty parlors and salons, dentists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and even gynecologists are doing fillers. The quality of best injector of fillers and Botox is that he should have a very detailed and comprehensive knowledge of anatomy. The best injector of fillers and Botox should be extremely well worse in the physiology of an ageing face. The best injector of fillers and Botox should have an extremely astute observation and a keen eye for aesthetics of face, only then he can give the most natural and beautiful results. Also the best injector of fillers and Botox should be able to manage any complications related to the procedure. Dr. Muhammad Sheraz Raza makes an effort to learn and stay up to date from all latest trends of aesthetics. For this he travels around the world to learn and train younger aestheticians. We try our best to provide the best fillers and Botox services in Lahore. The proof is our most consistent results and huge numbers of very satisfied patients.
Botox or Botulinum Toxin, as the name implies is a toxin produced by a bacterium named Clostridium. It causes paralysis of skeletal muscles. Knowing this action of Botox medical science decided to use it in controlled environment and doses for getting some advantages from it. Botox was initially approved to be used in spastic conditions of eyes only. But gradually it had more and more scope and it started gaining more and more popularity in aesthetic medicine initially for getting rid of dynamic wrinkles but gradually for more and more uses.
Botox for Aesthetics
According to an estimate Botox is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the world right now. It in some ways has revolutionized the cosmetic medicine. It has replaced many of the surgical procedures.
Most commonly the Botox is used to get rid of wrinkles especially in forehead and around the eyes. The mechanism is that the Botox paralyses the muscles that contract and get the skin over them to wrinkle. Botox is also used to lift the eye brow to a more beautiful shape and arch especially in ageing faces. Botox is also used to change the shape of lower half of the face to more beautiful heart shape compared to more square faces. A lot of aging people especially women complaint of wrinkles and loose skin around their neck. Conventionally it used to be corrected by neck and face lift but with use of Botox these changes can be made better to some extent by adequate dose and site of Botox Injection.
Fillers as the name implies are synthetic materials that are used to fill some areas of the face of the body to make them look more youthful and beautiful. There are many materials that can be used as fillers but the most commonly used is Hyaluronic Acid. Fillers come in various consistencies from thinner more liquid ones to thicker more viscous. This viscosity of the fillers depends upon the number of molecules of compound in every milliliter of the filler.
Fillers in Aesthetics
With advancing age and some times naturally the normal shape of the face is reverse of aesthetically beautiful features. Normally a beautiful face should be fuller in upper part and narrower below around chin area. With ageing, due to effects of stress, dehydration and gravity the volume of the face descends and so the lower face becomes heavier and upper hollower. Eye brows descend, eye bags are formed, tear trough is deepened and cheeks become shallower. Even in younger people at times the cheeks are too skinny and skeletanized and lips are too thin. Temples are sometimes hollow too.
In all such situations fillers can do a magic in rejuvinating and redistributing the volume of the face. But accurate selection and volume of the the filler is of key importance. A filler of appropriate consistency and volume injected at right places helps in achieving a balance in facial features. The beauty of fillers is that they are very predictable. Unlike fat which is a natural filler, the synthetic filers have a definite half life and so they dissolve at their own and symmetrical time.
The manifestions of cutaneous aging are a result of the complex interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic aging is attributed to the individual hereditary characteristics and the natural effects of the passage of time. It is as such is considered inevitable and beyond voluntary control. Extrinsic aging occurs as a result of exogenous insults such as exposure to Ultraviolet radiation, cigarette smoking, pollution as well poor nutrition. This by nature can be avoided. Premature skin aging is evidence of extrinsic aging. In fact 80% of facial aging is attributed to solar exposure alone.
There are many components to the process of Facial aging. Thinning of dermis, elastosis, loss of facial volume and skeletal changes are some of these. Skin aging changes include development of rhytides caused by alterations in dermal layer of skin. Wrinkles on skin are caused by contraction of underlying muscles of facial expression. Skin is attached to these deeper muscles in lines these lines create wrinkles. The wrinkles are of 2 types:
A) Dynamic wrinkles
B) Static Wrinkles

The vertical and horizontal lines in the centre of eyebrows are responsible to give an angry and sometimes a tired look. BOTOX Injection can give a very pleasant result in this area.
BOTOX Injection:

Dynamic wrinkles appear only during facial expressions. These wrinkles therefore can be alleviated by selectively paralysing the underlying muscles which can be achieved by BOTOX Injection.
The areas which are most amenable to be corrected by BOTOX Injection include:

The horizontal lines on the forehead respond really well to adequately and expertly injected BOTOX Injection.
Crows Feet:

The oblique lines at the corners of the eyes are caused by contracting of orbicularis oculus muscles. Appropriate weakening of this muscle with BOTOX Injection can get rid of these lines and give a smooth transition from eyes to cheeks and this result in a youthful looking face.

Loose vertical and horizontal bands in neck under the chin are caused by plates a muscle. This bagguness and loose lines can be improved considerably by expertly injecting with BOTOX Injection
Eye Brow Elevation:

In women the eyebrows are higher and arching above the bony socket of the eye while in men the brows are flatter and more at the level of bony rim. The arching shape in women is often lost with age and eye brows faltter and droopy. This flatness can be reversed by selective weakness of a part of frontalis muscle so that the remaining muscle contracts with more force to compensate for paralysed muscle and so lifts the eye brow higher.
Alteration of Smile Pattern:

In some people the smile pattern is quite awkward and looks not so pleasant due to excessive show of teeth, excessive dimpling in chin or in some cases unpleasant flaring of nares and drooping of tip of nose. In either of cases the smile pattern can be altered and made attractive and less awkward by selective and and appropriate weakening of lip and peri-oral muscles. By expert BOTOX Injection the shape and tip of nose can also be altered.
Migraine Treatment:

Migraine headache is increasingly becoming common. It. Is this severe throbbing headache that involves one half of the head. It rarely settles with any painkiller and sometimes requires regular medicine intake. With the help of Botox the headache can be settled quite reliably for 6-8 months at a time. The cause of this headache is thought to be constriction and dilatation of blood vessels in the scalp. BOTOX Injection can reliably regulate these blood vessels.
Excessive Sweating:

Some people can have troublesome excessive sweating of hands and armpits. With the help of BOTOX Injection this over production of sweat can be settled.
FILLER Injection:

The static wrinkles will not disappear even when the underlying muscles are paralysed and are usually permanent. They can be alleviated by injecting FILLER Injection underneath them to camoflage the wrinkled appearance. In addition to the wrinkles the process of aging also involves the loss of facial volume resulting in loss of smooth and confluent appearance of face, giving rise to sharp angles, abrupt hollows and bulges.
Synthetic FILLER Injection is useful in following conditions:
Permanent Glabellar and Forehead Lines:
Sometimes the glabellar lines and forehead wrinkles are too strong and permanent and do not respond to BOTOX Injection alone. In such cases Filler Injection helps in getting rid of these lines.
Eye Brow:

In some cases the drooping and more horizontal eye brows can be raised by 1-2mm by appropriate FILLER Injection. This is sometimes all that is needed for a pleasant and youthful appearance of upper face.
Tear Trough:

Tear trough by definition is a shallow hollow extending from the root of the nose under the eye. Sometimes its a normal feature of the face, but usually it is deepened and accentuated by aging and stress, esp. by dehydration an improper nutrition. In either case it is not aesthetically a very pleasant feature and is probably the most difficult area to correct. It can be corrected to a considerable extent by careful and expert FILLER Injection given deep in the tissues so that it does not show and capsulate over time.
Nasolabial Folds and Marrionette Lines:

The nasolabial folds are of variable length, width and depth. With advancing age and in certain people with professions involving strong animation of facial muscles, these folds become deeper and more prominent. The downward descent of cheek fat and soft tissue also has the same effect. The can be corrected quite nicely by FILLERS Injection.
Cheek Augmentation:

Adequate volume in the cheeks is the single most important feature of an aesthetically pleasant and youthful face. This volume diminishes with age due to both soft tissue and skeletal atrophy and is also due to soft tissue (fat) displacement. This volume of cheeks can be easily replenished by adequate augmentation with FILLER Injection.
Lip Augmentation:

In some people lips are too narrow and lack the volume and show needed for a beautiful looking full and pouty lips. Volume can be added in a controlled fashion in these narrow lips with FILLER Injection
Nose reshaping:

Sometimes all that is needed to make an awkward looking or snubbed nose aesthetically beautiful, is to add small volumes of FILLER Injection at right places.